Friday, 27 July 2018

Day 13 Palas de Rei to Arzua

Palas de Rei to Arzua- Saturday 9 June - 29 Km

"Number One in your life's blueprint should be a deep belief in your own dignity, your own worth, and your own somebodiness. Always feel that you count, that you have worth, and always know that your life has ultimate significance" Martin Luther King Jr.

Hard to believe there are only two walking days to go.

I was stonkered at the end of yesterday. Knees both ached and I was really tired. However a sound night's sleep did its restorative magic and I was ready to face The Way again at 8.30am this morning. Overcast to start with, then wonder of wonders, the sun broke through for a couple of hours. Light rain started again at 2.10pm just to remind us that we are in Galicia, but I was at the Arzua hotel by 4pm ready for a hot shower.

Jane from Whangarei

Had some interesting walking companions today, which helped peel the 29 Kms away. 
Jane from Whangarei strides along and is fun to be with. I have seen her several times. 

Cafe featuring the Camino scallop shell emb

I was walking past a cafe with outdoor seating at the entrance to the village of Melide when someone called my name, so went in to find Jill & Bob, and Lyn & Martin having a coffee. All four of them were also going to be staying in Arzua tonight so we arranged to meet up for drinks and dinner.

Oreo - for storing grain

Walking through farmland, where we saw some interesting raised bins which had been used  for storing grain, and keeping it out of the reach of rodents. Also some pretty woodland areas again. Undulating hills.

Have just had a delicious dinner with four people I have met along the way -walked in to Triacastela with Jillian and Bob; and slid to the feet of Martin and Lyn when I slipped on wet grass heading downhill from O'Cebreiro.  We had lively and interesting conversation.  Martin has shin splints on his right leg, so has it all taped up and is limping a bit. Downhill stints today didn't do it any favours. Should be better walking conditions tomorrow.

Sample menu

Today's Gratitude Item:
All the wonderful people from so many different countries whom I have met during my Camino walk. Some truly inspiring individuals.
Also the wisdom and teachings from which the whole human race has benefitted - Dalai Lama, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Goethe, Albert Schweitzer, Alexander Pope, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa. Pope John Paul II and many others.

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